Woah! Where did the first part of the season go? We have been so busy with sprucing up the place, keeping up with the catches, delivering to some the of the best restaurants and Chefs in town, we have barely had time to breathe, let alone realize that Summer has come to an end (at least as far as the Seasons are concerned, maybe not so much as far as the heat goes, HA)!!
As you all must know, as our loyal customers and readers, we have had a decent season; however, we need to increase awareness for shopping and supporting local! There have been many mentions of the dying shrimping industry. With the price of fuel, the weather doing what the weather does, and people concerned with pricing of the shrimp, this has been a trying time for sure! We are so grateful to remain standing strong at the dock, and being able to provide our Captains and crews with good wages, good prices for their shrimp, and loyal customers that understand what it takes to run a small business. We have seen closures, boats being sold, brick and mortars closing, and prices of just about everything increase. Your continued support is always appreciated! We are hopeful for a bountiful Fall!
We have been having so much fun hosting our pals, Courtney and Nicole of the beloved New New England inspired seafood food truck, CO-HOG. They are long time customers of ours, and we love their delicious food! We always love supporting our Chefs and restaurateurs when we can! Keep those amazing photos of your shrimp dishes coming our way! Speaking of delicious food and shrimp photos, we have a new featured Chef for this Fall newsletter. Devin Jarmon is a Personal Chef, Wife, Mother, and “Certified Kitchen Witch.” Chef Devin hosts some awesome cooking tutorials on instagram, and started her own hot sauce company with her husband, Jarmon’s Co. Connecting with the community is truly important to Chef Devin, and we are grateful for her food, and her patience as we put together this feature! Please head over to our FEATURED RECIPE sections and make Chef Devin’s Grilled Shrimp & South Carolina Peach dish at home!