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January 2022


Happy New Year! We kicked off our holiday season with some fun new Tarvin Seafood merchandise available in the shop for purchase! We have beanies, hats, hoodies, t-shirts, long sleeves, and crew neck sweatshirts. When you stop in for your shrimp, just take a little stroll into our office shop to pick out your goodies.

The shrimp season will be closing next week but have no worries, we will do our best to stay stocked! As many of you know the Carolina Breeze, our freezer boat, will head for southern waters in search of the big shrimp! Most of the boats in the fleet will use this time to start annual routine maintenance and repairs to get ready for April 2022. We will be adjusting our hours a touch in the coming weeks and will keep you posted.

There is still no word on the return of the Royal Red shrimp - these babies are so delicious aren't they? It is our hope that we will see them coming around in the next month or two. Bulls Bay Seafood continues to keep us stocked with delicious clams, and we of course will have oysters from Lowcountry Oyster Co. and maybe a few others!

With every newsletter comes something new and delicious from one of our local chefs! We have Nikko Cagalan kicking off this New Year's new recipe with a Curry Shrimp. Chef Nikko is a nurse turned culinary rock star of Mansueta's Filipino Pop-ups - bringing elevated traditional Filipino food across the Lowcountry and beyond. We love to have our Chefs give us recipes that our home retail customers can cook for themselves and the recipe, of course, features our wonderful shrimp. Please check out FEATURED RECIPES on our site to make Chef Nikkos' Curry Shrimp at home!



Tarvin Seafood | Wando Dock, 102 Haddrell St. Mt. Pleasant SC 29464 |  Phone 843-425-8695 | Email:

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