From Chef Emily Hahn

SHRIMP STOCK RECIPE: yields one gallon.
Two pounds shrimp heads, rinsed.
Two large white onions
Five stalks celery
One head fennel
Six cloves garlic
Ten sprigs fresh thyme
One bunch parsley
Three bay leaves
One Tablespoon black pepper corns
Two teaspoon smoked paprika
Peels of one lemon
Four quarts water
One small can tomato paste
Sweat your vegetables, garlic, and shrimp heads in pot until slightly golden in color. Add tomato paste and continue to cook for about five minutes. Pour in water and simmer for one hour. Turn of heat and drop in herbs, pepper corns, bay leaf, smoked paprika, and lemon peels. Let stand for 30 min. Cool down in ice bath. Refrigerate for up to five days.